Message on the wire

Mobile Protection Unit HEADLESS

# Overview

HEADLESS is a PSX-styled tactics game, in which you fight using cover and tactics instead of with brute force

upload successful

As always, the LD entry page can be found here

# Design

I wish I had some grand design here but there wasn’t a ton of time to build the game after fighting all the tech fires.

The basic design is you need to plan a route through the level maximizing use of cover while grabbing the heavy weapons to deal maximum damage.

# Tech

The curse of 3d begins here and basically never ends. We took a lot of shortcuts here to save time; no lighting (Everything is baked), very simple animation sets with no blending, no state machines or graphs; just good old fashion “Play animation X”.

Heaps’ FBX importer is a bunch of hand rolled code that was written to import Maya files and is rarely tested and never validated on anything other than the one or two studios who use it. As such, Blender’s exporter does NOT play nice, and models can and will go horribly wrong at a moments notice. We had a lot of issues getting the animations to not explode during export, and there was a pretty bad bone scaling issue that took a while to track down.

Ultimately making a good 3d engine is hard. I wrote a quick tool for making levels but we only ended up making one due to time constraints.

There was also a fairly complex intro planned, but Kiri lost power on the last day so most of that got scrapped.

Overall a very cursed jam, but we still managed to cobble together something respectable I think

# Play

The latest version can be found here